Baumann C.A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the Exp and Ln functions (2024)

A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the exp(x) and ln(x) functions

Claude Baumann, Director of the Boarding School „Convict Episcopal de Luxembourgi“, 5 avenue Marie-Thérèse, m.b. 913, L-2019 Luxembourgii

July 29th 2004


Normally today’s computers shouldn’t present any problems to rapidly calculate trigonometric or transcendental functions by any means. Developing better algorithms appears to be more sporty than really practical. However the growing number of embedded applications based on micro-controllers may ask for gain in speed and memory economy, since those applications are fundamentally characterized by limited resources and optimized designs in order to reduce costs. Thus, fast and memory economic algorithms keep playing an important role in this domain.

The present algorithm was developed during the elaboration of Ultimate ROBOLAB, an extension to the ROBOLAB softwareiii , known as a powerful graphical programming environment for the LEGO RCX. By difference to standard ROBOLAB that works with interpreted code, Ultimate ROBOLABiv directly generates Assembly code from the graphical code, compiles it to Hitachi H8 byte codes which are then downloaded to the RCX.

The algorithm has three important sections: the first one -universally knownconsists in reducing the function f(x)=exp(x) to f0(x)=2x - respectively g(x)=ln(x) to g0(x)=log2(x) - the second section concerns the arrangement of the numbers in the particular way to have the CPU only compute f0(x) or g0(x) for x [1,2[ and the third manages a fast computing of f0(x) and g0(x) to any desired precision according to a look-up table composed of 22 numbers only for IEEE 754 standard single precision floating point numbers. During the execution of the elementary functions, in any case the CPU has to operate less than 22 products. The average case turns around 11 multiplications.

The development of Ultimate ROBOLAB, a LabVIEW-based graphical compiler for Hitachi H8/300 code, is a particularly interesting demonstration of the typical constraints to which embedded design with micro-controllers may be submitted. Ultimate ROBOLAB is destined as a development tool for advanced users of the well-known LEGO RCX. This module had been invented as the central part of the LEGO Robotics Invention System (RIS), a highly sophisticated toy that, due to its excellent features, has found many applications as an educational tool in schools, high schools and even universities.

The heart of the RCX is a 16MHz clocked Hitachi H8/3292 micro-controller. Besides peripheral devices and 16kB on-chip ROM and 512 bytes RAM, this micro-controller encapsulates an H8/300 CPU that has eight 16-bit registers r0..r7 or sixteen 8-bit registers r0H, r0L, … r7H, r7L (r7 is used as the stack-pointer); 16-bit program counter; 8-bit condition code register; register-register arithmetic and logic operations, of which 8 or 16-bit add/subtract (125ns at 16MHz), 8.8-bit multiplying (875ns), 16÷8-bit division (875ns); concise instruction set (lengths 2 or 4 bytes); 9 different addressing modes. Together with 32k external RAM, LCD-display, buttons, infrared communication module, analog sensor ports and H-bridge output ports, the RCX is an ideal instrument for the exploration of microcontrollers in educational contexts.


Baumann C.A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the Exp and Ln functions (1)

In order to attribute most flexibility to the RCX for all kind of robot projects, the programming environment Ultimate ROBOLAB required a firmware kernel that should guarantee memory economy and execution speed. Thus each part of the kernel had to be optimized to the limits, so that users could dispose of a maximum of memory for their own code and sufficient reaction speed for reliable robot behaviors and closed loop controls. This was particularly challenging concerning the inclusion of an advanced mathematical kernel that comprised IEEE 754 standard single precision floating-point operations, among which the square root, trigonometric and exponential functions. Scrutinizing the subject with the target to find algorithms that could best balance the requirements rapidly ended in the choice of Heron’s algorithm for the square root and CORDICv for the trigonometric functions. However the exponential functions revealed themselves as more difficult.

1. Different methods of calculating y=exp(x) and y=ln(x)

In order to dispose of valuable algorithms for the exponential function and its reciprocal, several existing methods have been evaluated. An alternative CORDICvi algorithm using a hyperbolic atanh table instead of the atan value list was the first possibility that we tested applying the equations:

ln(x) = 2 a tanh x 1x +1

exp(x) = cosh(x) +sinh(x)

But the implementation of this solution led to an excessively long and complex code, because of a necessary additional algorithm to assure the convergence. Another alternative was an application of Taylor’s series:

ln(1+ x) = x





+ −...

1 < x 1







+ x +







... +







While being easily programmable, these series present the disadvantage of converging only very slowly, leading either to unacceptably long computing time or unsatisfying inaccuracy.

Other high-speed alternatives known from FPGA or DSP implementations, and based on large constant tables had to be excluded as well. A remarkable representative of efficient table based algorithms was presented by DEFOUR et alvii, who succeeded in obtaining high precision function approximation with a multipartite method by performing 2 multiplications and adding 6 terms. The trade-off, and the reason for the disqualification in our application, is that the table size grows exponentially with the precision. For example, in order to get 23 correct bits, corresponding to an error of ½ ulp (units in the last place) in the case of IEEE 754 standard single precision floating-point data, the exp(x) function needs a table size of 82432 constants. Obviously such a table would explode the RCX memory capacity.

A better approximation choice was the use of a polynomial series based on error minimizing Chebycheffviii nodesix. For the purpose of y=2x, x [1,2[ , the applied function to determine 10 Chebycheff-points is:


Baumann C.A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the Exp and Ln functions (2)



i 0.5

i =1,..,10





π ,



These nodes serve as reference-points for a 9th order polynomial curve fitting. While applying the Horner Schemex to the polynomial, the number of operations is a total of 9 multiplications and 9 additions per function call, compared to 7.2 + 1=15 multiplications and 9 additions for the straightforward polynomial calculation.

P(x) = a

+ a x + a



+ a



+... + a




= a0

+ x(a1 + x(a2

+ x(a3 +... + x(an1 + an x)))), Horner Scheme

The accuracy that can be obtained with the algorithm is about 3E-7, as can be seen in the result of a LabVIEW simulation (picture 2).

Picture 1: Operating the polynomial fit with LabVIEW 7.1 on the base of 10 Chebycheff nodes.


Baumann C.A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the Exp and Ln functions (3)

Picture 2: Absolute error of the previous polynomial approximation. (mse=0.33)

A similarly efficient polynomial approximation could be set up for the log2(x) function in the special case of x [1,2[ . Of course satisfying algorithms must be added to extend the functions to the ranges ]-,+[ respectively ]0,+[ .

The further investigation of the subject however led us to the algorithm that is described in this paper as a better solution for the purpose, combining memory economy and execution speed in the case of IEEE 754 standard single point precision floating-point representationxi.

2. Calculation of f(x)=exp(x)

2.1. Simplification to f0(x)=2x

For any real x we have:

ex = 2ln(12)



= 2ln(2)

This equation signifies that any x must be multiplied with the constant c=1/ln(2) before computing the f0 function.

Convention: we may suppose x>0, because of the trivial e0 =1 and e-x = 1/ex allowing an easy computation for any x.

2.2. Arranging of f0(x)=2x

The IEEE standard floating point representation transports three information-parts about the concerned number: the sign, the biased exponent and the fractional part (=mantissa).

Example: single precision representation


Baumann C.A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the Exp and Ln functions (4)

































































where :

if e=255 and m<>0, then x = NaN (“Not a number”)

if e=255 and m=0, then x = (-1) s *

if 0<e<255 then x = (-1)s*2(e-127) * (1.m) with (1.m) representing the binary number created by preceding m with a leading 1 and the binary point

if e=0 and m<>0, then x = (-1)s*2(-126) * (0.m) representing denormalized values if e=0 and m=0 and s=1, then x = -0

if e=0 and m=0 and s=0, then x = 0

The particular representation of the number 2.25 therefore is:

1.s = 0

2.e = 1 + 127 = 128 = b’10000000’

3.m = 0.125 = b’0010000 00000000 00000000’

Normalized mantissas always describe numbers belonging to the interval [1,2[ .

Convention: unbiased exponent = q (integer)

x = (-1)s*2q * (1.m)

Note: it is not possible to represent the number 0 in this form!

x > 0,


= 2(2q (1.m)) = (21.m )(2q )

2.3 Study of f1(x = 1.m) = 21.m

x =1 20 + a 21

+ a



2 + a






{0,1}= bit representation of m


=1 + a1 0.5 + a2 0.25

+ a3 0.125 +...



= 2

(1+a1 0.5

+a2 0.25+a3 0.125+...)

= 21 2a1 0.5 2a2 0.25 2a3 0.125 ...

= 2 Baumann C.A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the Exp and Ln functions (5) 2a1 4 2a2 8 2a3 ...


= 2 2i 2ai

i =1

(formula 1)

In any case we have: 2(x-1) [1,2[, since m [0,1[ 2m [1,2[

limΠi 2i 2 = 2 or simpler:



Thus the result 2(x-1) will always be normalized to the IEEE standard.

To fast compute 2(x-1), we only need to first set up a look-up table with the constant values of successive square-roots of 2, then operate consecutive multiplying of a selection of those numbers while scanning the mantissa m of x. The table is filled with values that have been previously yielded by any iterative means with a precision <0.5 ulp. (For instance in a practical micro-controller application, the values can be produced by the cross-compiler host and stored as constants in the micro-controllers ROM, EEPROM or even as part of the program-code). Due to the limitation of accuracy of the single precision representation, the LUT only needs 22 different values. Thus the last bit won’t add any information as can be seen in the following example. (For better comprehension, we added the value 2 to the table at index 0.)


Compute y = 21.171875

Look-up table (LUT):


2(2i )

























(b’0000000 00000000 00000001’ is the smallest mantissa that can be represented in IEEE 754 single precision mode. The corresponding normalized number equals 1.0000001192… in decimal notation.)

IEEE mantissa (1.171875) = b’0010110 00000000 00000000’


= LUT(0) . LUT(3) . LUT(5) . LUT(6)


Baumann C.A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the Exp and Ln functions (6)

=2 . 1.0905077 . 1.0218971 . 1.0108891

=2.2530429 (only considering the base-10 significant digits here)

In practice, in order to maintain the result normalized during the whole computation, it is advantageous of operating the multiplication by 2 only at the end of the calculations simply by increasing the exponent.

2.3.1. Accuracy and speed

As a consequence of the theorem postulating that the error η of successive floating-point multiplications may be expressed as:


(2n 1)ulp


under the condition





... x


1(2n 1)ulp




xmax and



x1 x2 ... xn

xmax c2

where c1 = 1(2n 2)ulp and c2 = (1(2n 2)ulp)

1(4n 4)ulp

We can conclude that η won’t grow out of an acceptable range. In fact the maximum relative error can be theoretically estimated for n=22 as 5.6E-6 and for n=12 as 2.7E-6. Nonetheless, the LabVIEW simulation gives a better result of about 8E-7 in the worst case. The simulation also reveals a growing error in function of x. (Note that the simulation compared the squareroot algorithm with the current LabVIEW (v.7.1) y=2x function that has been applied to extended precision numbers.)

Picture 3: A LabVIEW simulation reveals that the maximum absolute error may be considered as 8E-7. (mse=2.33)

Compared to the Chebycheff polynomial approximation, there is a non-negligible loss of accuracy. Another trade-off is the fact that the number of multiplications depends on the number of significant bits, whereas the polynomial algorithm keeps the number of operations constant. This certainly is an issue, if higher precision representations are chosen.


The computational worst case would be to operate a product with m = b’1111111 11111111 11111111’. This would require 22 multiplications (remember that the last bit may be ignored).

Since the numbers 0 and 1 have the same probability to appear in m, the average case only requires 11 products.

If we assume the empirical assertion that a floating-point multiplication needs about 5 times longer than an addition, the algorithm would be operated within the time of 11*5=55 additions, while the polynomial approximation would need 9*5+9=50 additions. Thus the average computing speed may be considered as sensibly equal for both algorithms.

However, a considerable speed gain can be obtained, if the algorithm is programmed at lowest level, where the access to the floating-point representation itself is possible. (This is practically required anyway, since the look-up-table items are selected on the mantissa bits!) One disadvantage of the polynomial algorithm is the fact that the multiplications produce unnormalized results that need to be re-expanded and also aligned for the additions. With the square-root algorithm, such normalizing procedures are superfluous, since it is guaranteed that after each multiplication the result is normalized. Thus, calling a primitive floating-point multiplying function without the normalizing procedure can substantially accelerate the execution.

Another possibility to reduce the computing time may be given, if less significant mantissabits are being considered. Indeed, it might be useful in some cases to gain speed instead of accuracy. In this case, the gain, compared to the Chebycheff polynomial approach may be remarkable.

2.4. The influence of the exponent q 0

Normally mathematicians would consider the exp(x) and specially the 2x functions differently than presented in this document, when extending the domain of definition from [1,2[ to ]-,+[ -or the portion of this interval that corresponds to the single precision representation.

In fact they’d prefer writing:

x real, r relative number, 2x = 2r +1.m = 2r 21.m , where r = floor(x) 1

At first sight, the operation looks like being very easy and fast, since only the f0 function must be executed and the result of that operation be multiplied by the rth power of two. The latter operation could be done simply and rapidly by increasing or decreasing the binary exponent by |r|. However there is a hook ! The issue is that the floor-function, representing the truncating of the floating point value, needs quite an impressive amount of execution steps, because it cannot be deduced by simple means from the IEEE 754 floating point representation. Therefore we propose a rather unorthodox approach that will end in a very reduced program code size.

2.4.1. First case : q > 0


2x = 2(2q (1.m ))

=(2(1.m ))(2q )

=(2(1.m ))2 2 2...


((2(1.m ))2 )2


This equation doesn’t mean anything else but to compute successive squares of the 21.m value, each one representing a single multiplying.

2x rapidly reaches the limit of the IEEE floating point representation as can be seen in the following series :

q :








2(2q ) :








For example: the largest number that can be represented in single precision is 2127 . 1.999999 = 3.4E38. Thus the largest number x that can be computed to 2x is

log2(2128) =128 q = 7


Compute y = 29.375

The IEEE single precision representation of this number gives:

q = 3, 1.m=1.171875

y= ((21.171875 )2 )2 2



Note that the relative error grows in a benign way with each multiplication, even if the 2nd condition of the cited theorem in 2.3.1. is no longer fulfilled.


Baumann C.A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the Exp and Ln functions (7)

2.4.2. Second case : q<0

2x = 2(2q (1.m )) = (2(1.m ))(2q )

=... (2(1.m ))

= 2( q ) (2(1.m ))

Replacing 2(1.m) according to formula 1, we get:

2x = 2( q ) 2 2a1 4 2a2 8



If q = -1, the equation may be rewritten:



2 4 2a1

8 2a2

16 2a3 ...

If q = -2, it may be written as: 2x

= 4

2 8


16 2a2

32 2a3



To compute the product for any q, we can operate a simple offset-shift in the look-up table only depending on the value of q.


Compute y = 20.146484375

The IEEE single precision representation of this number gives:

q = -3 and 1.m=1.171875

y = LUT(0+3) . LUT(3+3) . LUT(5+3) . LUT(6+3)

=1.0905077 . 1.0108891 . 1.0027112 . 1.0013546


Note that q<-22, 2x will be considered a 1.

2.5. Practical implementation of the algorithm y=2x

Preliminary notes: For this sample the DELPHI language -former TURBO PASCALwas chosen because of the better overview concerning stacked ifs and for loops, than known from C++, even if no such compiler seems to exist for micro-controllers. The bulk of this section is to most clearly present an astute and short implementation of the algorithm that can be easily traduced to any current language. For simplicity, the “NaN”, “infinity” and “denormalized” handlers have been omitted. However they should be added to a real implementation in order


Baumann C.A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the Exp and Ln functions (2024)


How to determine if a table of values is exponential? ›

If we take the ratio of consecutive values, we see that each time the value increases by one, the value is multiplied by . Since the ratio is always the same, the function is exponential.

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What is Exponential Function? An exponential function is a Mathematical function in the form f (x) = ax, where “x” is a variable and “a” is a constant which is called the base of the function and it should be greater than 0.

How to tell if a function is exponential? ›

Linear function - has the form y = mx + b where the rate of change is constant m. Graph is a straight line. Exponential function - has the form y = a^x, where the rate of change is NOT constant and is different for different values of x. Graph is an exponential curve (not a straight line).

How to tell what kind of function an equation is? ›

One method for identifying functions is to look at the difference or the ratio of different values of the dependent variable. For example, if the difference between values of the dependent variable is the same each time we change the independent variable by the same amount, then the function islinear.

What are the five examples of exponential equations? ›

Some examples of exponential functions are:
  • f(x) = 2. x+3
  • f(x) = 2. x
  • f(x) = 3e. 2x
  • f(x) = (1/ 2)x = 2. -x
  • f(x) = 0.5. x
Mar 3, 2022

How to solve an exponential equation? ›

Step 1: Isolate the exponential expression. Step 2: Take the natural log of both sides. Step 3: Use the properties of logs to pull the x out of the exponent. Step 4: Solve for x.

How to tell if something is a function from a table? ›

Identify the input and output values. Check to see if each input value is paired with only one output value. If so, the table represents a function.

What is a math function table? ›

A function table is a visual table with columns and rows that displays the function with regards to the input and output. Younger students will also know function tables as function machines. Every function has a rule that applies and represents the relationships between the input and output.

What is an example of a simple function? ›

An example of a simple function is f(x) = x2. In this function, the function f(x) takes the value of “x” and then squares it. For instance, if x = 3, then f(3) = 9. A few more examples of functions are: f(x) = sin x, f(x) = x2 + 3, f(x) = 1/x, f(x) = 2x + 3, etc.

How do you know if data is an exponential distribution? ›

If the random variable X follows an Exponential distribution then we write: X~Exp(λ) X ~ E x p ( λ ) . The probability density function is: f(x)={λe−λxfor x≥0,0otherwise. f ( x ) = { λ e − λ x for x ≥ 0 , 0 otherwise .

How to tell if a data set is linear or exponential? ›

Linear equations increase by a constant slope, but exponential equations increase by a constant exponent or power. For example, y = 2x + 1. It starts from 1 and each x is multiplied by 2. On the other hand, exponential equations of form y = x^2 increase each x by the power of 2.

How do you determine whether a set of data displays exponential behavior? ›

There are two methods to determine whether a set of data displays exponential behavior. One method is to look for a pattern in a table of values. The other method is to graph the set of data and see if the graph is exponential.

How to tell if a set of points is exponential? ›

Using Ratios to Determine the Model

By taking the ratio of the values, one can determine whether the model is exponential. If the ratio of dependent values is the same, then the data is modeled by an exponential equation.

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