Deepwoken races - How to get them, abilities and a reroll guide (2025)

How Tos
Deepwoken races - How to get them, abilities and a reroll guide (1)

By Alina Novichenko


iOS + Android


Do you like Roblox? Do you like fantasy worlds where you have to explore everything by yourself? Then a game on Roblox called Deepwoken Races might be worth checking out. It sees you diving into a fantasy world where death will follow you around.The game offers you a large-scale world where it's difficult to survive without a complete Deepwoken map.

Do you want things to be different? Want to learn more about the races so you can better understand the game? Do you know which ones you can get? Maybe you want to know about their abilities? And how to make a reroll? If you do not have the answers to these questions, we highly recommend you read this article. In it, we will tell you everything you need to know about Roblox Deepwoken races.


Race is a category of people living in the Deepwoken world. At the very beginning of the game, once you enter the place, you will be allowed to get one race for free. This is chosen randomly. However, if you really want to, you can reroll for 150 Robux.

Each race has its own unique ability, which will help you as you progress through the game.


There are 11 races in the game that will be useful to you in their own way. So let's take a closer look at them.

  1. Adret
  2. Canor
  3. Capra
  4. Celtor
  5. Etrean
  6. Felinor
  7. Ganymede
  8. Gremor
  9. Khan
  10. Lightborn
  11. Vesperian


Deepwoken races - How to get them, abilities and a reroll guide (2)
  • Roll chance: 21.1%
  • Base stats: +2 Willpower, +2 Charisma
  • Talent: Natural Autodidact and Higher starting reputation


Deepwoken races - How to get them, abilities and a reroll guide (3)
  • Roll chance: 15.2%
  • Base stats: +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, Loyalty
  • Talent: Inflicts less damage to their own allies.
  • Weaknesses: Loyalty makes combat practice and spars with housemates difficult


  • Roll chance: 2%
  • Base stats: +2 Intelligence, +2 Willpower
  • Talent: Mark of Nemit. User receives more HP from food. Mark of Jurik. User soothes the insanities of those around them. Mark of Ku. User improves rests for those using a campfire, increasing their HP regeneration speed.


  • Roll chance: 21.1%
  • Base stats: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
  • Talent: Seaborne
  • User gains 10% extra health on ships
  • User receives a cheaper price on all ships
  • Ships helmed by Celtors now turn 20% faster


  • Roll chance: 17.4%
  • Base stats:+1 Health
  • Passive ability:
  • Molt. Any ailments and/or blessings bestowed upon the user fade away more quickly.
  • Take less damage in acid rain.
  • The duration of Status Effects, good or bad, is reduced.


  • Roll chance: 8.0%
  • Base stats: +2 Agility, +2 Charisma
  • Talent:
  • Nightchild.
  • User has improved stealth.
  • User has improved parkour abilities on wooden surfaces.


  • Roll chance: 2%
  • Base stats:
  • +2 Intelligence, +2 Willpower
  • Talent:
  • Deepfolk
  • Passive insanity gained from The Depths is reduced.


  • Roll chance: 13.6%
  • Base stats: +2 Strength, +2 Fortitude
  • Talent: Gain a compass at the top of your screen.
  • Reduced hunger loss.
  • Starts with an increased reputation among Children of Navae.
  • If blind, gain a slight range of clear vision around you.


  • Roll chance: 8.2%
  • Base stats: +2 Agility, +2 Strength
  • Talent: Versatile.


  • Roll chance: Unobtainable
  • Base stats: +2 Strength, +2 Fortitude, +2 Agility, +2 Intelligence, +2 Willpower
  • Talent: Unknown


  • Roll chance: 6.0%
  • Base stats: +2 Health, +2 Fortitude, +2 Willpower
  • Talent: Chitin
  • A user receives extra armor protection
  • +2 Health


Now that you know more about these races, you might find yourself wanting one of them in particular. But keep in mind that each race has its own chance of being dropped and there is a good possibility of getting the one that has the highest chance - the Adret or the Celtor.

The reroll process is not free and costs money. To be exact, you have to spend 150 Robux to reroll in Deepwoken.

However, if you decide to do it, and you do not care about the in-game currency because you're swimming in it, then you need to go to the start screen when you enter the place and click on the small "Reroll" button. After this, the process of getting another race will get started.


Remember that Deepwoken is not only about combat but it's also one of the best Roblox adventure games. Travel around the game world, learn new skills, and make friends. All this is possible in the awesome and wonderful game Deepwoken.

We hope that you have discovered something new, and now the game will be even more fun because you know a little about each race. And while you are here, take a look at our list of best weapons in Deepwoken to make your character even stronger!

Next Up :
Elemental Powers Tycoon: Complete Powers tier list

Deepwoken races - How to get them, abilities and a reroll guide (2025)


Deepwoken races - How to get them, abilities and a reroll guide? ›

At the very beginning of the game, once you enter the place, you will be allowed to get one race for free. This is chosen randomly. However, if you really want to, you can reroll for 150 Robux. Each race has its own unique ability, which will help you as you progress through the game.

How do you reroll your race in Deepwoken? ›

You need a Race Reroll item, which you can buy with Robux from the in-game store. Good luck getting the race you want!

What is the rarest deepwoken race? ›

Capra - Besides the fact that this Race is the rarest in Deepwoken, it has several versions of talent. Three of them are the Mark of Nemit, the Mark of Jurik, and the Mark of Ku. And each of them will help you buff both yourself and your allies.

How to get an ability in Deepwoken? ›

The most common prerequisites a Talent would need are:
  1. A high enough Core Attribute, whether it be Strength, Fortitude, Agility, Intelligence, Willpower, or Charisma. ...
  2. A certain Talent in a certain category. ...
  3. Doing certain actions that may influence your rolls, such as Alchemy. ...
  4. Having a certain weapon equipped.

How to get different races in Deepwoken? ›

Races. The world of Deepwoken presents many Races, with each one of them having its own lore and origin. As a player, you start on each character slots with a random Race assigned to you by the game automatically. If you want to change your Race, you may re-roll it by buying an in-game service for 150 Robux (R$).

How rare is Celtor? ›

Obtainable Races
2 more rows

How do you use race reroll? ›

Using a Race Reroll Token
  1. Go to the Character Selection screen and open the Character Options dropdown menu for the character you wish to reroll. PC: right-click the character you wish to reroll. ...
  2. Select the “Race Reroll” option and follow the instructions to change the customizations available.
Jun 6, 2021

How many people have died in Deepwoken? ›

Death is a core aspect of Deepwoken. You have three lives in Deepwoken, the first two lives in the The Overworld, and the third in The Depths. When you die, you drop roughly half your notes and items, but the losses can be decreased through certain Talents.

How rare is Khan in Deepwoken? ›

Chance of obtaining race: 8% Khans are a rare race with light skin, and a monkey-like appearance. Khans have a special crown on their forehead which they and they alone possess...

Is Deepwoken pay to win? ›

Nope, Deepwoken isn't pay to win! You can buy Notes and special items, but skill and strategy are what really matter.

Why is my frostdraw red? ›

As of 1/12/2024, Glass Path: Crystallization now makes Frostdraw Mantras reddish pink. Anything that would Freeze while using Glass Path: Crystallization would cause the crystals in your opponent to explode.

What is Deepwoken's max level? ›

It's recommended to use your points as much as you can before reaching the cap, of Power 20.

Is purple cloud droppable? ›

The Purple Cloud is a Boss drop Medium Weapon, obtained after defeating Maestro Evengarde Rest (guaranteed on first win, low chance afterward). It's part of a trio of weapons from the Maestro's arsenal, its counterparts being the Pale Briar (HVY) and Cerulean Thread (LHT).

Does Deepwoken worth it? ›

Absolutely! Deepwoken offers a rich, challenging gameplay experience with tons of customization and deep lore.

What can get you banned in Deepwoken? ›

Usage of derogative words, such as slurs, aimed at another wiki member(s) or organization(s). Repeated posts / messages over a short time, and unnecessarily long comments. Using templates improperly across the Wiki. Posting in Discussions under the wrong category.

What is the best starting weapon in Deepwoken? ›

Honestly, the Sword is a solid choice for beginners. It's well-balanced and easy to use.

How do you reset your Deepwoken character? ›

You can't reset your character directly in Deepwoken, sorry! You'll need to die in-game until you lose all your lives if you want to start over. From personal experience, I can tell you that resetting your Deepwoken character means putting them through enough peril to lose all their lives. Time for some risky business!

How many frags does it take to reroll a race? ›

Users can buy a Race Reroll from Norp for 3000 fragments. Readers can opt to purchase a Race Reroll from the shop for 90 Robux. Gamers can also buy Race Rerolls from certain event NPCs in-game, e.g., Magic Elf or Death King (currently unobtainable).

Can you edit your character in Deepwoken? ›

In Deepwoken, you are provided many options to customize your character. There is a variety of Attunements, Races, Weapons and more for you to choose from.

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