The Daily Advertiser from Lafayette, Louisiana (2024)

Action Corner (Continued From Page 1) a time limitation such as that referred to. It was the opinion of the majority of the committee membership that such a stipulation would adversely atfect the city's credit rating and would result in higher costs relative to bond issues." Trustee Dan Boudreaux said in the Daily Advertiser, Oct. 6, 1970: "We hope to present the budget by Oct. 30. The trustee then pointed out that without a special staff, the Accounting Dept.

must set aside routine work to prepare the budget." Is one of the responsibilities of the Trustee of Finance to put out the budget? The city has hired Voorhies, Davis Clostio on a yearly retainer as accountants, and R. W. Beck and Associates are hired to participate in the budget, both content and form. Mr. Boudreaux's department salaries are $81,326.98.

Why need a special staff to out a yearly budget when this is part of his job? A. A. Boudreaux gives the following explanation: "Directing the preparation of the budget is one of the responsibilities of the Trustees of Finance. The firm of Voorhies, Davis and Clostio is retained to audit the General Fund accounts to insure that public funds are used for those purposes they were intended for and not misappropriated; the firm does not assist in preparation of the budget. Neither does R.

W. Beck and Associates prepare the Utilities System budget, it is their responsibility to review and approve the budget as to content and form in accordance with the bond resolution dated March 12, 1963. This is done to protect the interest of the bond holders. Any organization experiences certain during which its workload increases and additional personnel could be used for that period of time. This is why accountants need extra people during income tax time and stores hire additional people around Christmas.

The Trustee of Finance could use extra help during the period of budget preparation. Since funds are not available to hire extra people during that time, some routine accounting is set aside and Finance personnel devote extra hours to work on the budget. It is interesting to note, however, that Public Administration Service in their recommendations for a revised organizational structure for city administration is recommending that personnel be hired to staff a Budget and Management Office, the primary function of which would be budget preparation. and administration. This office would to the Finance Department." Will the two-lane part of Moss St.

be resurfaced at least to the intersection of Butcher Switch Rd. and, if so, when repainting the center dividing line, can a white line be painted on both shoulders of the road? This is very helpful at night. Mrs. M.P.P.-Lafayette Vincent answers that the resurfacing of Moss St. Extension is not included in immediate improvements but is scheduled for the third year improvement program.

White lines on the shoulders are not planned but, "at such time as the improvements are made, we will consider that proposal." Is it true that the Venard Academy plans to hold classes i in old wooden buildings moved from the USL campus? If so, how did they obtain these buildings, and considering that the structures are in a very decrepit condition, are there any legal standards for buildings used to house children in private schools? C.B.K.-Lafayette Rod Miller, chairman of the academy, answers that "we are holding classes in the buildings, but you probably wouldn't recognize them. They have been repaired and meet all state and city and fire inspector standards. We bought the buildings by competitive bid." I want to know if the city bus that goes by the Northgate Mall could be routed to turn into the shopping center. I am 70 and would like to go out there, only one has to walk across the entire parking area to get to the stores. I think there are a number of ladies like myself who would shop there but do not drive or do not have a car.

I hope this can be Mrs. F.B. Lafayette Felix Fremin, manager of the Lafayette Transit System, says "our charter and insurance company prohibit us from turning onto or traveling on private property." Ison Fontenot, Northgate developer, says that this problem has been discussed by the merchants and the transit system invited to meet with them to work out a stop closer to the mall. "We have invited the buses to drive up to the mall, but if they are prohibited from doing this, perhaps the present stop on the utility road, which is about 400 feet from an entrance, could he moved to the corner of W. Pine St.

and Northgate Drive. These are public streets and a stop there would put customers about 90 feet from a glassenclosed entrance." Asked about possible shuttle service from the city bus stop to the mall entrance, Fontenot said that "all of this will be brought up again at the next meeting of the board of the Northgate Merchants Association." If you want your property posted to keep hunters off same, do you have to register a at the courthouse or just run an ad in the classified section of news- Mrs. L.B.--Lafayette Lafayette Parish District Attorney Bertrand DeBlanc answers "Neither." The newspaper ads have no bearing on the legality of posting property and there is no place to register such action. According law, the following requirements must be met to legally post property in Lafayette Parish: "The owner must place and maintain signs at intervals of not more than one of a mile which must be at least three but not more than nine feet above the ground or water level and the sign must be written in English containing the words 'Posted' or 'Private Property' or words to that effect. The letters must be at least five inches in height.

At the main entrance to the property and at the four corners of the property the signs must also include the name and address of the property owner. Woodland or overgrown areas, in addition to being posted with signs, must be fenced with three strand wire and, in marsh lands, signs must be posted at all maior points of ingress or egress." For a copy of the complete text of criminal law 14:63, contact the district attorney. What does the law say about paying taxes when buy feed at the feed stores? When I buy feed I you pay taxes, but I notice some don't. Do the feed stores pay taxes on the feed they buy? P. According to Charles A.

Broussard, Lafayette district manager of the State Revenue Department, it depends on whether or not you are a farmer. Feeds. fertilizers, etc. are exempt when sold to farmers who have applied for and received exemption certificates. Foods for pets or for a few chickens or hogs would not be exempt.

Broussard says most of the feed stores buy grain and other raw materials from farmers and manufacture their own feed. This would not be taxable. Others buy feed from out-ofstate concerns, which would not be taxed by the state. heard that the School Board has issued a directive to Lafayette High School teachers that there would be no failing grades given to any Negroes. Also, it was stated that the teachers had been authorized to give two points each day for attendance to be accumulated and at the end of a six-week period would be added to the individual's grade.

Are these true? L. R. A. J. Antoine, high school supervisor, Lafayette Parish schools, said the board has issued no such directive on grades.

As for attendance, Acadiana and Lafayette High Schools have a two-point daily grade added to a student's overall six-week average. Students receive the two points if they attend classes, cooperate with the instructor, prepare homework and pay attention. Students who miss classes lose 15 points daily only if the absence is unexcused. would like to know who to contact about the black soot from the sugar cane refinery that falls like snow, and everything is covered with it. Besides being a nuisance it is unsanitary.

This has been going on for more than 30 years and it is past time something be done about it. C. T. and J. Bridge Breaux Bridge Mayor Fred Mills said "the co-op means more to the town than force them to spend between $75,000 and $100,000 to alleviate the problem;" a cost which he says could put the plant out of operation.

Vernon C. Parker, head Division Air Control and Occupational Health, Louisiana State Department of Health, New Orleans, said he would look into the matter. He said if necessary a court could stop the refinery from operating if pollution order, controls are not installed. Roland Hebert, Breaux Bridge Sugar Co-op manager, refused to comment. Parker said interested persons should write him or Gilmer Engelhardt, chief of Air Control, LouNew Orleans, 70160; or write Joseph D.

Withers, isiana State Department of Health. P. O. Box 60630, Air Control Technician, South West Regional fice, P. 0.

Box 3047, Lake Charles, 70601. What is the true name of the gravel road that starts at Highway 93, crosses Coulee Ile Des Canne and comes out on the Ridge Road by Doyce Lagneaux's Store? People have referred to this road as Guilbeau Road and also Parish Road. E. J. -Duson C.

R. Shaw, parish engineer, said the Guilbeau Road runs east and west from Johnston (Highway 167) to Highway 93 and is gravel for less than a mile running west from Highway 93. He said he knows of no Parish Road. The Lafayette Parish Police Jury hopes to sell bonds at its next meeting November 12 and use the money to pave or surface 71 miles in the parish in 1971, all outside the corporate limits of Lafayette. The Guilbeau Road is included in those plans.

We have heard rumors of a new tennis and swimming club being organized in Lafayette. Could you tell us where this is to be located and who we can contact regarding information about this club? Mrs. T. B. We have checked numerous sources but have been unable to find anyone with information about a new tennis and swimming club.

If any of our readers have such information, please write Action Corner. 1. Why are none of our local (or cable) TV stations carrying the Xerox series on Civilization? 2. Is All- Channels Cable TV actively working to add Educational TV (NET) to its offerings? 3. How may concerned citizens bring effective pressure on local TV stations to improve their programming and give more attention to specials, less to old movies? By addressing themselves with complaints to the FCC? W.

R. 1. According to local television people, the Civilization series is available only to National Education Television (NET) stations. 2. "Yes," says Mrs.

Jean Jones, systems director for All Channels, "we are still trying to get FCC permission to bring in Channel 12 (a NET station) from New Orleans, but we have heard no word on it yet." We would suggest writing the stations directly and getting others to write. If enough people prefer to see the specials, the stations will probably heed the letters. The FCC actually has no control over whether an individual station decides to pick up network programming or run an old movie. have a go-cart. I would like to know if a go-cart can be licensed? If so, what is the requirements? Where can I ride it? C.

J. Bonnette says, "Go-carts cannot be licensed for use on public roadways. They could be ridden on undeveloped property with the owner's permission. Go-carts have also been observed being operated on parking lots on Sunday when the lots are not being used, however, here again this should be done only with the owner's permission." Why is it that in some cities the police cars have public licenses and in Lafayette they have conventional passenger car licenses? What determines this and is it less expensive for a city to use the public licenses than the private car licenses? K. Private license plates are provided by the Motor Vehicle Division, Department of Revenue, for automobiles owned by a public body and used exclusively in crime prevention, detection or similar work at no charge.

City spokesmen say they do not know why some cities choose to use public license plates. Saturday I was at Fire District No. 1 on Bertrand Dr. and I noticed the water pipe on the loading ramp was dripping heavily. After inquiring about it, I was told that it had been dripping that way for about (Continued On Page 12) CORRECTION GIBSON'S DISCOUNT CENTER Thursday Ad Should Have Read LARGE EGGS 41c doz.

Advertiser, Lafayette, Saturday, Nov. 7, 1970 3 NEW CHAMBER BOARD Newly elected members, of the Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce behind officers picked at a noon luncheon meeting yesterday. Seated are retiring president Granvel O. Salmon, left, new president William A. Patton and new vice president Gene Homecoming Tilt Tonight Draws Attention Of Nation (Continued From Page 1) reserved seat ticket was sold Monday.) Reigning as queen of the USL homecoming is Mary Elizabeth McKay of New Orleans.

The first maid is Jo Elen Beenel while other members of the court Pat Taylor, Brenda James, and Sylvia Roupe. USL students are giving special recognition at tonight's game to a group of outstanding legislators who have made Nixon Meets With Key Advisers KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) President Nixon scheduled another postmortem conference on the 1970 elections today with some of his key political adviserVirtually all Do those summoned to meet with Nixon at his waterfront office played significant roles in the campaign that ended with Tuesday's balloting. Heavily Weighted While Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler declined to put today's session in a political context, the group gathered for the occasion was heavily weighted in favor of campaign activists.

They are: Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, presidential counsellor Robert H. Finch, domestic policy adviser John Ehrlichman, presidential counsellor Bryce N.

Harlow, deputy counsel Charles Colson, chief of staff H. R'. Haldeman and Donald Rumsfeld, director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, Mitchell and Ehrlichman, played largely off-stage roles in the campaign but all the rest were in the thick of activities. concerted efforts toward helping the school's growth and progress. Joe Goodson, Lafayette senior and president Student Government Association, announced the following honorees: Senators Honored Senators Edgar Mouton, Lafayette; Dudley J.

LeBlane, Abbeville: Francis Romero, New Iberia; Ramson K. Vidrine, Ville Platte; and Frank J. Diesi, Opelousas. Representatives Dan Guillot and J. Luke Leblanc, Lafayette; J.

Burton Angelle, Breaux Bridge; Armand Brinkhaus, Grand Coteau: J. Richard Breaux, Jeanerette; Curtis Joubert, Eunice: Allen Gremillion, Crowley; Warren J. Simon, Kaplan. J. B.

Broussard, Estherwood: Carl W. Bauer, Franklin; Mrs. Norman L. Ordoneaux Lake Arthur; and P. J.

LaBorde, Marksville Good Year As a perfect theme, the USL Marching Band will feature "It Was A Very Good Under the leadership of director John Gilfry and assistant Tack Arceneaux, the "Pride of Acadiana" musicians are to be joined during the halftime show by the USL Sweethearts as part of the continuing Action plus Entertainment program. Guiding the USL band will be drum major Boyd Anderson. while the Sweethearts are led by Diane Tantilo. instructors for the group precisions are Sherry Richard and Kathy Landry. Once the horn blows to signal the end of the game, then "Auld Lang Syne" can be Cajun fans.

Next September, USL coach Russ Faulkinberry and his Cajun gridders will once again hope to move to new 26,500 seat stadium. EST Nov Data From NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE A.M. U.S. Dept. of Commerce 30 WARM 48 54 48 COLD 4.1 46 Temperatures 59 Are Average 64 For Area Rain 36 40' 30 20 Showers 30 40 40 Snow 50 40 50 Flurries XXX 51 58 50 Low Temperatures Expected FORECAST 50 50 Until Sunday Morning 30 Data From NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE U.S.

Dept. of Commerce 40 40 COLD TATIONARY COLD 30 50. 30 COLD 40 Rain Showers IN 50 Snow FORECAST 40 Flurries Figures Show Low Temperatures Expected 50 50 Until Sunday Morning Isolated Precipitation Not Indicated- Consult Local Forecost WEATHER FORECAST Rain is forecast Saturday for the upper Pacific Northwest. Snow and rain is expected in the Dakotas and Nebraska. Cold weather is predicted over much of the nation with the exception of a Texas warm front.

(AP Wirephoto Map) Brauns. Standing, from left, are Ed McGlasson, A. J. Szabo, E. Glynn Abel, Randolph Trappey, Billy Bolton, Robert Flaherty, Dave Perkins and Dr.

Al Beacham. Absent are Thad Montgomery, vice president and Lewis Picard, treasurer. Local And Area Deaths FUNERAL SERVICES Mrs. Cyrus McNaspy Funeral services were held in St. John Cathedral at 10 a.m.

Friday for Mrs. Cyrus William McNaspy, 85, who died at her home at 317 Roosevelt at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Interment was in Calvary Cemetery. Rev.

Arthur M. Warren, assistant pastor of St. John Cathedral was celebrant of the funeral mass and conducted graveside services. Present for the funeral services were Msgr. George Bodin, pastor of St.

Cathedral and Rev. Harry Benefiel, pastor of Pius Church. Pallbearers were E. J. Castille Ariel Belleman, Beverly R.

Spiane, Sylvest Martin, Castille and Guy R. Carter. Martin Castille Funeral Home was in charge of funeral arrangements. Clovis Quebedeaux Funeral services were held in Holy Cross Catholic Church at 2 p.m. Friday for Clovis "Bee" Quebedeauxu, 49, who died in Lafayette General Hospital, after a brief illness at 12:45 a.m.

Thursday. Interment was in Sacred Heart Cemetery in Grand Coteau. Rev. William Crumley, assistant pastor of Holy Cross Church was celebrant of the funeral mass. Rev.

Servando Mendez, S. J. of Grand Coteau conducted graveside services. Pallbearers were Gerald Que bedeaux, Kenneth Alleman, Raymond Noel, Jim Guilbeaux, Charles R. Primeaux and V.

Doucet. Martin and Castille Funeral Home was in charge of funeral arrangements. Alexander Broussard Alexander Broussard Funeral services were held in St. Genevieve's Catholic Church at 10:30 a.m. Friday for Alexander "Alex" Broussard, 83, who died at his home at 108 Broussard after a brief illness at 6:45 p.m.

Wednesday. Interment was in Calvary Cemetery. Rev. Adrian Ayco*ck, assistant pastor of St. Genevieve Church, was celebrant of the funeral mass and conducted graveside services.

Pallbearers were Andrus John Duhon, Alvin Guidry, Leonard LeJeune, Chester F. Dupont, Kenneth Arceneaux and A. M. Kober. Martin and Castille Funeral Home was in charge of funeral arrangements.

Patton Elected (Continued From Page 1) ert Flaherty, Dave Perkins, A. J. Szabo and Randolph Trappey. 24 Members The board is composed of 24 members of which eight are elected each year to serve three year terms. Retiring board members are Frank Beaullieu Ellis, James Holloway, Louis Michot Grant Molett, Granvel 0.

Salmon, Wanda Dixon and Harold Matt. Make an old home a new House Beautiful! REMODEL YOUR HOME! Monies Lumber Company has been redesigning and remodeling homes in Lafayette for almost a quarter of a century. Let us help you give your home new beauty, new comfort and new value. Dial the Lumber Number now free sketches- -free estimates -free financing help. for quality aad dependability CALL 235-5579 "the lumber MONIES 2009 JEFFERSON ST.


The Daily Advertiser from Lafayette, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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